The YMCA of Yonkers offers month-to-month room rentals for males 21 and older.
Housing includes private rooms & shared bathrooms across four floors of our building.
*ALL Applicants must be interviewed and undergo a background check – $20
We highly encourage our residents to apply for low income/affordable housing while they reside here.
Communal bathrooms.
- Resident dinner provided Mon-Fri at 5:30 PM in the kitchen (included).
- Adult YMCA Membership included ($432 Annual Value).
Monthly rent is $850. Utilities are included (electricity, oil heat and hot water.
If an Applicant receives rental assistance from a subsidy program, the Applicant’s portion of the rent shall be calculated based on the subsidy guidelines. The Applicant remains responsible for any remaining balance not covered by the subsidy.
If an applicant has no income, they should seek assistance at their local Department of Social Services.